How Infected Rain’s Lena Scissorhands Learned to Scream
On this episode of 'How I Learned to Scream,' we've got Lena Scissorhands, frontwoman for Moldovan metal band Infected Rain.
The band formed in 2008 and released their first album, Asylum, three years later. Now, their fifth full length, Ecdysis, is nearly upon us, led by the first single and album opener "Postmortem Pt. 1" — a track that showcases the dual threat singer is as versatile as the instrumentation her gravely roar and haunting clean voice are laid over.
"I never sang before Infected Rain, and I never really studied music or had any of my relatives or friends or close family be in bands or at all connected to music," Scissorhands relayed at the top of the episode, which makes her path to becoming a notable vocalist known around the world even more intriguing.
After being approached about singing at the end of 2007, she said it wasn't something she took seriously and instead was pursuing it simply for the fun of it. That's when she had a revelation about personal expression and found that fronting a band was an ideal form of release.
Screaming was a different animal altogether, and after hearing vocalists such as Corey Taylor and even Kurt Cobain, who had a lot of distortion and grit to his singing, it was something Scissorhands felt compelled to attempt. To help strengthen her abilities, she sought the help of vocal teacher Melissa Cross, who has worked with countless metal vocalists who utilize harsh singing techniques.
Learn about the rest of her journey and watch the full video below.
Infected Rain's 'Ecdysis' album is out Jan. 7 on Napalm Records and can be purchased here. Follow Infected Rain on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Spotify.