Hyro the Hero + AJ Channer Put Fake News + Fake Outrage on Blast in New Song ‘FU2′
Social media has changed our outlook on how we view news and not always for the best and it’s that sentiment that lies at the heart of the new Hyro the Hero track “FU2.
The heavy rock/hip-hop fusion artist has called upon Fire From the Gods vocalist AJ Channer to help share his razor-sharp message that rails against the influx of fake news, memes and calculated outrage that has infiltrated our social media scrolling.
The hard-driving track packs a punch with an equally explosive message, as Hyro the Hero belts, “We think before we speak then we tweet / Satisfied to follow we don’t want to lead / We outraged / But is it fake outrage / I’m afraid to say anything / You’ll be offended in some way.“
Elsewhere, he serves up, “Fake news all a bunch of fake news / Hashtags being used to influence you / Fake news all a bunch of fake news / We want the truth.“
As the track evolves, it becomes a rallying cry for those using social media to stop hiding behind the hashtags and realize what they’re putting out in the world and how it impacts those who read it.
- PLAYLIST: Keep up with each week’s new songs by following Loudwire’s ‘Weekly Wire’ Spotify playlist, featuring 50 tracks with updates each Friday afternoon.
“‘FU2’ is action-packed,” Hyro explains. “AJ Channer and I went absolutely crazy on this track. We are in a wild time in the world right now that I feel pushes division. I’m all about the people, but certain powers have used social media to keep us fighting. Though the message is strong, I do not want it mixed up with any agenda. I’m 100 percent about the 99 percent.”
Channer added, “Hyro and I go way back and a collaboration together is long overdue. I’m so stoked on everything he’s been doing and taking part in this song means so much to me. I only hope we can play it together one day on tour!”
If you like the song, “FU2” is currently available at this location and will also turn up on Hyro the Hero’s Kids Against the Monsters mixtape that will continue to add songs to its ever-evolving track listing throughout 2021.