Lamb of God’s Randy Blythe Reveals Goal He’d Like to Surpass Before Band Retires
The end eventually comes for all bands, and Lamb of God's Randy Blythe has opened up to Metal Hammer about his performing future in a new interview, admitting he's not sure how long he can continue, but adding at least one goal he wants to pass before his time onstage with the group comes to an end.
"I haven't seen that exit ramp yet," says Blythe, when asked about what the future held for him. "That's very specific to Lamb of God too – not to music in general, as I plan on making music for as long as I possibly can." But, as Blythe adds, "Nobody needs to see 70-year-old Randy Blythe up onstage jumping around and yelling, 'This is a motherfucking invitation.'"
The singer continues, “I’m such a physical performer, that’s what it is for me. Total physical immersion in our music. I don’t know how long I’ll be able to do that. I know for a fact that, unless something horrible happens, if we make it to 2025, that’ll be 30 years of the band. I gotta make it to 30 years, and I think my body can take that." That said, while 30 years is a goal he'd like to pass within the band, there could always be plenty more.
Speaking of additional goals he'd like to achieve with Lamb of God, the vocalist adds that he still wants to play Vietnam to learn about the country's history and eat great food, wants to go back to Africa and has a desire to play a gig on Antarctica. "Metallica are the only band that have done that – damn you Lars Ulrich," says Blythe of that last goal.
So there's still plenty of rocking days ahead for Blythe, including lots of touring still in support of the group's newly released Omens album. They are currently wrapping up a U.S. tour leg with shows tonight in Houston and tomorrow in Irving, Texas before catching a breather and heading off to Europe for dates in November and December to finish out the year. Get details and ticketing info on all their stops here.