Marilyn Manson Accusers Claim Singer + His Wife Tried to Silence Them
Over the last few months, Marilyn Manson has come under fire with multiple accusers sharing their stories of sexual and emotional abuse. But in a new new Metal Hammer profile, the singer and his current wife Lindsay Usich stand accused of attempting to silence the creators of an Instagram account that has been dedicated to connecting the dots of all the abuse allegations against the musician.
In the piece, a woman named Laura who started up the MansonIsAbusive Instagram account, reveals there were times she thought of giving up the account due to the constant bullying it attracted.
“When the account gets a little bit more attention the fans come and try to discredit me personally, or the stuff I post. That’s a little bit difficult because they try to intimidate me by finding out where I live, or by saying, ‘I have pictures of you so if you don’t stop we’ll post them online,'” she revealed. “But then ex-girlfriends of his messaged me and told me that my account helped them. It made it a bit easier, so I kept on going. I’m at the point where I don’t really care anymore. When I was a little bit younger, when I started, I was a little bit more scared of his fans. I’m not anymore.”
The Metal Hammer profile focuses on a trio of women who started sharing stories and connecting the dots of the accounts of women tied to the musician and interviews the singer himself gave that reflect a disturbing pattern. All three women also claim that the singer’s wife has attempted to silence them and those who speak out against the singer with methods of online threats and intimidation.
In December of 2020, actress Evan Rachel Wood, whose 2021 naming of Manson as her abuser opened the door for more accusations to follow, filed a police report against Usich claiming that Manson’s wife had conspired to obtain and share images of her that would “ruin her career” as a method to “shut her up.”
Laura claims that Usich had also made “mildly threatening hints” about being close to uncovering her location. “Lindsay talked a lot about IP addresses and how she knew my location and stuff, but I don’t really think she ever did,” says Laura. “She always tried to scare me.”
According to the Metal Hammer piece, a contact working for the Phoenix Act — the survivor-led nonprofit organization created by Evan Rachel Wood that introduced a bill to California Senate that will extend the statute of limitations on domestic violence felonies from three to five years — has confirmed that “a bunch” of fan accounts sending abuse to each of the three women that link back to IP addresses in the Hollywood Hills. They say while it’s unlikely that a bunch of Manson fans gathered in a centralized location all sent the women abusive messages, it’s known that Manson and his wife live within the radius from where the message were sent.
As for what comes next, Alex, one of the women profiled who was not using her real name, stated, “This is just one chapter that’s closing, there’s still chapters to come as far as I’m concerned. The way I see it is it’s not over until he is in prison.”
Laura adds. “I could imagine [us carrying on together] because he’s not in jail yet. There’s a lot of work ahead of us. It’s going to take time.”
The full Metal Hammer profile can be read here.
In the months since Wood came forward naming Manson, the singer was dropped by his record label, had TV roles scrapped and split with his longtime manager. Additional women have come forward with actress Esme Bianco being the first to file suit against Manson for sexual assault. The FBI has gotten involved investigating claims made against the singer. And most recently another accuser, Ashley Morgan Smithline, shared a graphic account of her relationship with Manson along with images of physical scars that she claims were inflicted upon her by the singer.
Shortly after initial Wood abuse claims were made, Manson issued a statement that read, “Obviously, my art and my life have long been magnets for controversy, but these recent claims about me are horrible distortions of reality. My intimate relationships have always been entirely consensual with like-minded partners. Regardless of how — and why — others are now choosing to misrepresent the past, that is the truth.”
Meanwhile, Manson’s lawyer has claimed that Esme Bianco’s lawsuit claims are “provably false” and alleged that the actress only moved forward with the suit after Manson “refused to be shaken down” by her financial demands.
If you or someone you know is facing abuse, visit the National Domestic Violence Hotline website. A disclaimer on the website notes that if you are concerned your Internet usage is being monitored, an alternative option is to call 800-799-SAFE (800-799-7233).
If you or someone you know has been sexually assaulted, resources are available for help. Visit the RAINN website (Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network) or dial 800-656-HOPE (800-656-4673).