Mark Tremonti Has Started Writing for Next Solo Album
Though Alter Bridge have the Walk the Sky 2.0 EP en route on Nov. 6, Mark Tremonti is wasting no time getting to work on his next Tremonti band studio album.
Speaking with My Global Mind, Tremonti revealed, "I’ve been writing for my next solo album. My producer lives here in Orlando, Florida, and Myles [Kennedy] has been here the last two months recording his solo album. He just finished tracking it a day or two ago, so I’m next on deck to go into the studio for mine in November/December."
Speaking about his progress, Tremonti reveals, "I’m pretty very far along; I would say I’m 14 songs deep. I would get to about 20 songs before deciding which ones will make the final cut. It’s not a question of which songs are good or bad; it’s which work and have a good dynamic range."
The singer/guitarist adds of the new music, "It has heavier elements, and it definitely has some of the moody, atmospheric stuff like Alter Bridge. The Tremonti band’s rhythm section stands apart from Alter Bridge, and any type of speed metal that I bring into Tremonti might not necessarily fit into Alter Bridge. Our vocal couldn’t be any more different. Myles is a seasoned tenor, and I’m almost a baritone. That’s the big difference in how the two bands sound different."
No time table has been announced for the next Tremonti album, but the singer/guitarist remains on a schedule where work on music is concerned. He adds that once he's done recording his album, "Myles and I will start to work on writing the next Alter Bridge album while touring for our solo projects. That’s when we start compiling ideas for the next Alter Bridge album."