Nandi Bushell Finally Got to Perform Live With Foo Fighters
Nandi Bushell finally got to share the stage with Foo Fighters. The rock star prodigy joined Dave Grohl and the boys at the Forum in Los Angeles, jamming “Everlong” on drums for the show’s finale.
Bushell’s arena performance is the culmination of two years of Internet stardom. One of Bushell’s earliest viral hits was a drum cover of Nirvana’s “In Bloom” which of course was originally recorded with Grohl behind the kit. She also challenged Grohl to a drum-off and got to speak to the Foos frontman via video chat. During that chat, Grohl offered to co-write a song with her and asked if she would eventually join he and the Foo Fighters onstage. That onstage meeting finally took place last night (Aug. 26) in Los Angeles.
“This person inspired me last year so much,” Grohl said onstage. “Because in a time where you would pick up your phone or turn on a computer and all you had was bad news, for that one day, you could pick up your phone and see this connection between two people that have never met. Making music together and spreading joy and love across the world. Ladies and gentlemen, would you please welcome the most bad ass drummer in the world — my new friend Nandi.”
Bushell looked absolutely stunned as she took the stage. After the L.A. crowd chanted her name, Nandi took a seat behind a drum kit. Taylor Hawkins graciously stepped aside for the Foos’ closing opus, letting the young performer shine on her own while anchoring down one of the world’s biggest bands. Of course, Nandi was spectacular, nailing “Everlong” from intro to final chorus.
“It was #EPIC!!! Tonight I jammed with the @Foo Fighters LIVE at The Forum!!! Wow!!! What an INCREDIBLE night!” Nandi wrote after the show. “THANK YOU Foo Fighters @davestruestories! Thank you Taylor Hawkinsl thank you everyone who made this possible!!! #foofighters #davegrohl #theforum #everlong – It’s my Daddy screaming a lot, he filmed this video. MORE TO COME!!!"
Watch Nandi’s own footage above and check out some crowd shot footage of the “Everlong” jam below.