People’s Sexiest Man Alive Chris Evans Struggles to Choose Between Led Zeppelin + Alice in Chains
Actor Chris Evans was just chosen as People's Sexiest Man Alive last week, and while you may be wondering why the f–k we're writing about it, it's because during an interview, he really struggled to choose between Led Zeppelin and Alice in Chains.
People essentially played a game of "This or That" with Evans, who's best known for his role as Captain America in the Marvel franchise. During the video clip, the 41-year-old actor was asked to choose between two options in a wide variety of categories, so it was a bit surprising to see a rock 'n' roll question thrown in there. Even more surprising, though, is the fact that they pit English giants Led Zeppelin against Seattle sludgers Alice in Chains. Different eras, pretty different sounds, but both still widely influential nonetheless.
The funniest part is that Evans cut the interviewer off and chose Led Zeppelin before he even heard the other option, because he just seemingly figured it wouldn't be a competition. Once he heard that Alice were the other choice, he reacted in complete distress.
"Oh, that's so tough. That's so tough — it's like picking between your children," the actor said. "That's so tough. I gotta go with Zeppelin."
Watch the clip below.
Given Evans was born in June of 1981, he would've been 11 years old when Alice in Chains released Dirt, which was one of the biggest rock albums of the early '90s. He's expressed his love for the Seattle grunge era in interviews before, but has always deemed Led Zeppelin his No. 1, so People really knew how to stump him.
"Anything by Alice in Chains," Evans replied when asked which songs "bring him back" by The Edit in 2020. "I was in high school during the height of the grunge era and we had some really amazing musicians. Kurt Cobain, Chris Cornell, Eddie Vedder, Layne Staley, Jerry Cantrell. That type of music was a big part of my childhood. And obviously classic rock. Led Zeppelin will always be at the top of my list."