Poll: What’s the Best Judas Priest Song? – Vote Now
What's the best Judas Priest song? That’s what we want to find out from you in this week’s Loudwire Nights Artist of the Week poll!
Each week, we’ll be asking you to choose your favorite track from a list of 10 of the biggest songs from the next Artist of the Week's catalog.
You'll have until Friday at 12N ET to cast your votes. We’ll then play the three tracks with the most votes during Loudwire Nights' Artist of the Week block to start the following Monday's show!
This week we're focusing on metal giants Judas Priest, who took the heavy metal that was prominent throughout the 1970s before them, decked it in leather and studs and took it to a whole new level — especially with Rob Halford's soaring vocal abilities.
Since 1974, Judas Priest have released a whopping 18 studio albums, starting with Rocka Rolla, and 2018's Firepower being the most recent. They've had a profound impact on metal, from their expansive discography and distinct sound. Of course, Halford has been a huge inspiration for the LGBTQIA community ever since he came out as gay in the late '90s as well.
Priest set out on tour earlier this year to commemorate five decades of their career. Unfortunately, it's been postponed due to Richie Faulkner's recent hospitalization, but he's stable after his procedure, so hopefully they'll get to get back out on the road sooner than later.
Head below to vote for your favorite Judas Priest songs and tune in tonight to hear which three Stone Temple Pilots songs you voted the best!
Loudwire Nights with Toni Gonzalez airs nightly starting at 7PM ET. You can tune in anytime, from anywhere right here or by downloading the Loudwire app.