See What Deftones’ ‘Around the Fur’ Cover Model Looks Like Now
Ever wonder what the cover model on Deftones' Around the Fur album art looks like now?
The scantily-clad subject from the front of the pioneering nu-metal band's 1997 album has become an iconic figure for Deftones fans. In the present day, the cover star's been identified as a middle-aged medical worker from the Pacific Northwest who's still proud of her association with the group.
Down toward the bottom of this post, see a tweet that contains an image of the woman now. It's contrasted with her look from the Around the Fur sleeve.
The cover girl's name is Lisa Hughes, as Kerrang! pointed out on Wednesday (Oct. 28). And while she's previously revealed her identity as Deftones' Around the Fur enchantress, an interview she recently granted to Chilean pop culture site Pousta has revived talk of Hughes' time as an album art model.
"It is surreal and I feel really lucky!" Hughes said of the image in retrospect. "I am proud to be on the cover of ATF, really proud."
No doubt, it's a cool memory for the cover model, not to mention a great way to remember her relationship with the band. But approving the image for use back in the '90s was more difficult than one might expect.
"Funny thing, I didn't have a computer at the time and I received a call from [Deftones guitarist] Stephen (Carpenter) asking if I would allow them to use the photo for the cover," Hughes remembered. "I wanted to see it first, but had a hard time getting a good copy, so I had Maverick Records fax it to me. It was a little dark and hard to see. But I said yes for sure use it. I didn't have doubts, I was excited!"
By now, hardcore Deftones devotees likely know the story behind the pic. Photographer Rick Kosick snapped the shot at a late-night pool party held by the band, as Revolver reported in 2013. But while Hughes is happy with the image now, the photog remembers the subject being displeased.
"She was offended because I was in her personal space," Kosick recalled. "She made some comment about being too close to her boobs. So I took the photo, walked away, and never spoke to her again. I know they found her and got her to sign a release, though."
The photographer added that it was just "one photo — that was it. One-take Jake. It wasn't like I was up there going, 'Hey, we're shooting the cover.' I was kinda, like, leaning over with my fish-eye, and the shot just magically happened. Actually, you can see my feet right next to her."
These days, the cover model no longer hangs out with Deftones, as one might reasonably expect. Still, she indicated that she's hoping to resume her friendly relationship with Carpenter at some point.
"Unfortunately, I lost touch with Stephen years ago," Hughes explained. "I used to go to many of their shows. Stephen is who I used to try to keep in touch with but time passed and life happened. He is an awesome man, I have been trying to reconnect with him, but haven't had much luck."
And there you have it.
Where Are These Other Iconic Album Art Cover Models Now?