Rock Hits
Tim Lambesis’ Wife Dany Responds to Latest Video With Statement

Tim Lambesis’ Wife Dany Responds to Latest Video With Statement

With yet another video arriving online showing As I Lay Dying singer Tim Lambesis in a less than flattering light, the singer’s wife Dany has taken to social media to respond to claims that she is behind the leaked clips.

The first videos to arrive came close to Thanksgiving with two clips of Lambesis exhibiting disturbing behavior during intense verbal exchanges and shouting matches with Dany.

At the time, Lambesis claimed that the videos were leaked in retaliation against him after he had served Dany with divorce papers earlier in the week. He had also claimed that he had a restraining order against Dany who he alleged had subjected him to verbal and physical abuse.

Now a third video has started making the rounds in which Lambesis can be seen physically striking a dog on multiple occasions.

READ MORE: Jamey Jasta Comments on Disappointing Fan Reaction to His Past Tim Lambesis Interview

With the videos circulating, Dany decided to share her story on social media in which she denies being the person behind the leaked videos and asks the person who is to stop doing so.

Previously (before the leak of that first video near Thanksgiving), she had issued a statement calling rumors of abuse allegations against Lambesis “completely false.”

In this new statement, Dany alleges that her original October statement was drafted by “managers” working to protect Lambesis’ public image.

Today (Jan. 17, 2025), she’s decided to speak out after Lambesis’ recent statements and a public interview, one she views as being attempts to cover up the truth of their relationship.

Dany also accuses Lambesis of using “DARVO tactics.” DARVO is an acronym for “deny, attack, reverse victim and offender.” According to Medical News Today, it is “a technique a person may use to shift responsibility for an abusive incident onto the survivor of the abuse” and “it may also help the person who perpetrated the abuse deflect some of the responsibility and blame onto the survivor.”

Her full statement on the matter can be viewed through her Instagram post below:

I did not release the videos that have come out of Tim Lambesis. Not the ones that were released in November, nor the ones that were released today. Out of respect for me, I’m asking whoever is leaking videos to please stop.

I will no longer stay silent out of fear of Tim. The lies being told by him in his last statement and in this recent podcast are deliberate attempts to cover up the truth and play the victim, using typical DARVO tactics.

There was NEVER a domestic violence investigation against me, nor was there ever a restraining order placed against me. This is public information anyone can access online.
The videos that Tim claims to have of me
“abusing” him; are instances of self-defense and outbursts against his ongoing physical and mental abuse, and repeated infidelity with hundreds of people.
The statement I released on October 24th defending his abuse, was drafted up by him and his new “managers” to protect his career and public image. Which I have proof of.

Tim has continuously tried to intimidate me, bribe me, and beg me to sign an NDA in our marriage settlement stating that I will never publicly talk about him, so that the truth will be buried when our divorce is finalized, which are all recorded conversations. I also have a recorded phone call from Tim a week ago, rationalizing, and explaining why he thinks we should get back together.

I refuse to let dishonesty overshadow the pain and trauma I have endured any longer. Not just to me, but to others close to this as well. This isn’t just about me anymore.
There is Tim’s version of why his ex band mates left AILD, and then there is the truth. There is no “irony” behind the timing of the dissolution of AILD, and our marriage.

Towards the end of our relationship, Tim told me, “In psychology, when someone hears a story of abuse in a relationship from one person, they are more likely to believe that person’s version because they were the first to tell the story.” At the time, I didn’t fully understand what he meant, but it is very clear to me now.

The abusive, cheating, narcissist will try to destroy your life & your name with lies before you can shine light on the truth.

I am done being SILENT

The initial video leaks came shortly after all four of Lambesis As I Lay Dying bandmates and one of his Austrian Death Machine bandmates stepped away from the groups.

As I Lay Dying guitarist Phil Sgrosso noted in his exit statement that he had been a witness to “concerning patterns of behavior” and that the band “no longer offers a healthy or safe environment for anyone involved.”

Others who departed shared similar concerns in their respective statements, taking note of moral boundaries and preserving their own integrity.

Lambesis, who served prison time in the 2010s after being convicted for attempting to hire a hitman to call his first wife, is the sole remaining member of As I Lay Dying.

A Timeline of As I Lay Dying’s Controversial Comeback

Here is a timeline of what has gone on in the world of As I Lay Dying, from Tim Lambesis’ 2013 arrest through November of 2024.

Gallery Credit: Lauryn Schaffner