Tom DeLonge Defends Government’s Withholding of UFO Information
A few weeks ago, a whistleblower testified in court that the U.S. government has “nonhuman biologics” that were recovered from an alleged aircraft crash. Blink-182‘s Tom DeLonge rejoiced at the news that he was right about aliens being real — but he’s also since defended the government for withholding UFO information from the public in the first place.
DeLonge has been involved in studying UFOs for several years now, having founded the research company To the Stars, Inc. in 2015, which became To the Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences two years later. The organization captured footage of UFOs that was initially published by The New York Times, and then the U.S. Navy formally recognized and published the clips in 2020.
During the recent hearing held by the House Oversight Committee, where the whistleblower claimed that our government has possession of nonhuman remains, DeLonge and To The Stars Academy were mentioned in a testimony by a former commanding officer of the U.S. Navy.
“It was this organization that pressed the issue with leading Industry experts and USG officials, worked with Leslie Keane, Ralph Blumenthal and Helene Cooper to publish the articles in the NYT in Dec 2017 admitting the USG was looking at UAPs and removed the Stigma of the UFO topic, which led to us being here today,” the officer said.
“Those articles opened a door for the Government and the public that cannot be closed. It has led to an interest from our elected officials who are not focused on ‘Little Green men,’ but on figuring out what these craft are, where are they from, the technology they possess, and how do they operate. It has also led to the Whistleblower protection act in the recent NDAA, which brings us to today.”
In a new post on social media, DeLonge expressed his sentiments about the government officials who work with UFO cases.
“Like most when you go down the rabbit hole, I too was ignorant. People in Gov working the real UFO problem are patriots, morally sound, and doing the best they can,” he wrote. “Some, made errors, worked in an ambiguous lack of oversight. But — What would we each do if we were burdened with this,” he pondered.
READ MORE: Blink-182’s Tom DeLonge Responds After Remains Found in Alleged UFO Crash Confirmed as ‘Nonhuman’
Someone replied to his post arguing that the truth shouldn’t be considered a burden, and that “it should be shared because it belongs to all of us.”
“I agree,” DeLonge responded. “But, like any other emergency, leadership needs to figure out what the hell is going on before they run out and say something that is wrong, or that they don’t have a plan to deal with it. That’s my take… but I do agree. And others agree now is that time.”
See the posts below.
Musicians That Believe in Aliens
Tom DeLonge has got A LOT of company.