Tom Morello Reacts to Trump Supporters Dancing to Rage Against the Machine’s ‘Killing in the Name’
A video taken in Philadelphia, Penn. has gone viral as it showcases supporters of President Trump gathering outside while dancing to Rage Against the Machine's "Killing in the Name," a song written with the express purpose of protesting police brutality. The clip even caught the eyes of Tom Morello and the rest of the band, who lamented that those seen dancing and reciting the lyrics do not seem to understand the message behind the song.
"Not exactly what we had in mind," wrote Morello on Twitter in response to the video, which he also shared.
In the clip, one woman is seen wearing a red "Make America Great Again" hat and American flag tank top with a "Thin Blue Line" adaptation of the American flag, which represents support for law enforcement officers.
Elsewhere in the video is one person outfitted with a Donald Trump mask and American flag cowboy hat while a man on the right side of the clip twirls a blue Trump flag, dancing along to Rage Against the Machine's anthem.
Trump's supporters were outside in Philadelphia, which has become the fixation of those following the results of the U.S. presidential election as a final counting of the votes is awaited in Penn., along with confirmation of the victor. The President has alleged voter fraud within the state despite submitting no evidence to support these claims, prompting supporters to line the streets to rally behind these baseless remarks.
Rage Against the Machine tweeted same video and wondered aloud, "They just don't GET IT do they?"
The irony present in the clip is that the message behind "Killing in the Name," which underscores white supremacists' penetration of the police force with the iconic lyric, "Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses," has been echoed immensely in 2020.
Protests against police brutality were largely led by the Black Lives Matter movement, which has been vehemently opposed and scorned by the Trump administration and, in turn, many of the President's supporters.
This adds to an already bewildering year where Rage Against the Machine fans begged Morello to stop talking about politics on social media, seemingly unaware that Rage have always been a politically-oriented band throughout their entire career. One fan even mocked the guitarist, asking what made him a political expert without being privy to the fact that Morello has is an honors graduate from Harvard University with a degree in political science.
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