Watch Corey Taylor Play Accordion for Fans at a Horror Convention
Slipknot and Stone Sour fans are well aware of the talent that Corey Taylor possesses. Still, the singer-songwriter and all-around Renaissance man of rock and metal isn’t necessarily known for being a prolific multi-instrumentalist. That’s why watching Taylor tackle the accordion, as he did during a recent fan encounter, seems like such a spectacle.
Sure, the Slipknot vocalist supplies rhythm guitar in his solo work and on Stone Sour songs. But Taylor brandishing an instrument more closely aligned with “Weird Al” Yankovic, classical music or, gasp, polka? That sounds like it could elicit nightmare fuel. So it makes sense that Taylor’s brief brush with the accordion happened at a horror convention.
Watch a video down toward the bottom of this post.
Taylor’s dalliance with the accordion took place at the Spooky Empire convention’s opening 2021 weekend in Orlando, Fla., on April 30. Spooky Empire is a horror and sci-fi con that bills itself as “the dark side of Comic-Con.” In 2019, Taylor, an avowed horror buff, released a documentary about 1980s horror films called In Search of Darkness. He’s also contributing to an upcoming doc about ’80s sci-fi, In Search of Tomorrow.
But last Friday, Taylor’s mind was on the fans he was meeting (while donning a black bandana as a face covering) during the convention. As shown in footage shared that day by a YouTuber named Karen Clay, the Slipknot vocalist played the accordion for a short time while speaking with a group of attendees about it. It’s unclear who provided the instrument, but it was presumably brought by a fan.
“He played for like 8 second[s],” Clay says in the video’s description.