Watch Mick Fleetwood Recreate That Viral Fleetwood Mac ‘Dreams’ TikTok Video
A viral TikTok video of a skateboarder singing along to Fleetwood Mac's "Dreams" while drinking Ocean Spray Cran-Raspberry has gotten popular enough to warrant the band's attention.
This week, Fleetwood Mac co-founder and drummer Mick Fleetwood joined TikTok to pay tribute to the meme.
Watch both TikToks down toward the bottom of this post.
The craze started last month (Sept. 25) when TikTok user @420doggface208, real name Nathan Apodaca, shared his creation with the video-sharing social network where users frequently create short, looping clips set to music. In his video, Apodaca cruises down the street on a longboard while "Dreams" plays, adding some of his own visual flourishes to the classic Fleetwood Mac Rumors single, as Ultimate Classic Rock pointed out.
The TikTok quickly grabbed the attention of the Internet at large, especially on Twitter. All thanks to the skateboarder's carefree countenance, if not the juxtaposition of Apodaca's bold visage with that of Fleetwood Mac singer Stevie Nicks' smooth vocal, to which he lip-syncs at one point in the clip.
Mick Fleetwood shared in the enjoyment of the viral vid, as evidenced in his recreation from Sunday (Oct. 4), which also happened to be the drummer's first-ever TikTok contribution. In the caption beneath his clip, the musician says, "@420doggface208 had it right. Dreams and Cranberry just hits different."
Apodaca's video seems to have made an impact on the Fleetwood Mac song's chart performance, as well. According to the New York Post, the TikTok user's video brought a spike in sales to "Dreams." In addition, it brought the skateboard cash donations to the tune of $10,000, as he explained to TMZ.
"It's crazy," Apodaca said. "It's a blessing."
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