Watch Tool’s Danny Carey Try to Catch a Mouse
Most people have dealt with having mice in their home dwelling at least once in their life, so you know how difficult it can be to catch them if you don't have the proper equipment. Tool's Danny Carey was recently with fellow drummer Josh Freese, and they were hilariously attempting to catch one of the rodents.
The footage appears in a post on Freese's Instagram, with the clever caption, "Not a creature was stirring… except one single mouse."
You don't get a clear view of Carey's face, but plenty of people were speculating in the comment section. Freese replied to one of them confirming that it is, in fact, the Tool drummer. He's seen in a black and yellow flannel as he lifts furniture to reveal the location of the critter.
See the video below, and brace yourself to hear some screaming.
Thanks to the pandemic, we don't have any Tool news to share regarding future concerts. However, Carey was featured on an Adam Jones song a few months ago, along with third Tool comrade Justin Chancellor. The track was titled "The Witness," and served as a trailer for Jones' partnership with Gibson guitars.