We Have Another Mystery Band: Who Are Sleep Token?
Anonymity isn't new in rock and metal. Some bands wish to maintain hidden identities with the intent of allowing listeners to solely focus on the music, but who doesn't love solving a mystery? Buckle up, sleuths, because we've got a new band for you to uncover — meet Sleep Token.
The unidentified band have been around for a few years. Not only did they release their debut album Sundowning this past November through Spinefarm Records, but they were also recently brought back into light by Architects' Sam Carter. "Who is the singer of Sleep Token?" he wrote in a tweet. "I need to know them I have a serious voice crush."
Well, let's help the man out! But don't expect it to be an easy feat.
“Our identities are unimportant," Sleep Token leader Vessel told Metal Hammer a few years back. "Music is marketed on who is or isn’t in a band; it’s pushed. prodded and moulded into something it isn’t. Vessel endeavours to keep the focus on His offerings.”
Yeah, the group have this whole "worship" thing going on — with Sleep, that is. Sleep is the name of the divine entity that the band follow, "…since no modern tongue can properly express its name," label Basick Records' site reads. "This being once held great power, bestowing ancient civilisations with the gift of dreams, and the curse of nightmares."
Now, let's get to the music. Prior to Sundowning, Sleep Token have put out two EPs — One in 2016 and Two the following year. Their overall sound is just as compelling as their persona — alluring electronics intertwined with moments of brash heaviness. Check out a live rendition of their song "The Offering" below, to get a feel of both their audial and visual aesthetics.
If you have any idea who the members of Sleep Token are, drop us a note.
Sleep Token – "The Offering" Live
13 Musicians Who Have (Or Had) Hidden Identities