YouTubers Lost In Vegas Remind Us What Hearing Van Halen For First Time Feels Like
Do you remember what it felt like the first time you heard Van Halen? If you forgot just what that felt like, the popular YouTube reaction channel, Lost in Vegas, will help you relive that moment your head exploded when you first heard Eddie Van Halen play guitar.
For the uninitiated, Ryan (left) and George (right) of Lost In Vegas have been providing spot-on anecdotal reactions to music since starting their video channel in 2017. Since, they've earned support from the rock and metal community after reacting to dozens of classic songs, able to discern the differences between the thrash laid out by the 'Big 4' while dissecting what elements make the songs so great.
One of their most memorable clips (seen at the bottom of the page) came in 2018 when Ryan and George queued up "Ain't Talkin' Bout Love" off Van Halen's widely influential 1978 self-titled debut.
That album changed the game in rock and metal. Not only did Van Halen inspire countless aspiring musicians to pick up the guitar, but it gave them a desire to become excellent at playing it and to take risks, as Eddie committed to tape sounds that had never before been achieved with the six-string instrument.
From the very beginning, before the first verse even hits, the two stop the song to offer their thoughts on the guitar tone. "I love that sound, man. What is that though? It almost sounds like an effect," wondered Ryan, who questioned if it was due to the technology around at the time and his sentiments were echoed by George.
Hey fellas, more than 40 years later, musicians are still trying to perfectly replicate King Edward's tone — don't sweat it too much.
It's the anthemic nature of "Ain't Talkin' Bout Love" that has the Lost In Vegas duo so dazzled. In the chorus, when the sustained chord comes crashing down alongside Michael Anthony's thunderous bass plonk, they collectively erupted in laughter, left in disbelief over how much they already adore this song. It's that moment that they keep harping on as such an enjoyable element of the Van Halen hit.
The one real test came when they offered their assessment of David Lee Roth, highly touted as a charismatic, expressive singer rather than one who is technically refined. "It's got an attitude about it that seems to work well within the song," George said in perfect understanding of Roth's abilities. He also likened Van Halen singer to Geddy Lee in Rush in the fact that "the character of his voice seems to work well within the music."
They circled back around to Roth and Van Halen's expert songwriting prowess over the "You got to, got to bleed, baby" bridge as another example of Roth's swagger and charisma. As for the solo that comes next, Ryan perfectly explained how Eddie Van Halen approached his eccentric guitar playing — "That showed the guitarist's ability to play a solo but it didn't take away from the song."
That's Eddie in a nutshell.
As the world continues to mourn the loss of Eddie Van Halen, who died on Oct. 6, a video such as this one is a powerful reminder of the timeless impact the guitar legend left on the world.
Lost In Vegas React to Hearing Van Halen for the First Time
Rockers We've Lost in 2020