Snoop Dogg Talks With Lil Wayne About Defunding The Police & Racism
Snoop Dogg gave his opinion on racism, police brutality, and more during his appearance on the newest episode of Lil Wayne‘s Young Money Radio, Friday.
Emma McIntyre / Getty Images
“I’m always gon’ say it’s gotten worse but through technology and platforms like social media and people having phones with cameras on ’em, it’s being broadcasted,” Snoop said. “Racism been going on, police brutality been going on, we been trying to tell y’all. It’s just now getting filmed. We been getting beat on by the police … and the camera is the best witness we got in court. Cause he don’t lie, he don’t change his story and he can’t be paid off.”
“I’m proud as a Black people … it’s not surprising,” he added in regards to the unity behind the protests. “Our generation took it as far as we could take it. This new generation? They’re taking it farther than we did. It’s what its supposed to be. We can only go so far so now it’s up to them to take it to the mountain top. Like Martin Luther King and Malcolm X, they could only go so far. Then they gave it to the Black Panthers; the Black Panthers could only take it so far. Then we got it, and it’s like, now it’s up to y’all. The beauty of is you got White, Asian, Latino working with us this time as opposed to us doing it on our own.”
Snoop went on to advocate for the defunding of police departments: “These police departments are overfunded and they’re over-protected. We need to start taking that money out of their pocket and put it back into our communities where we can police ourselves,” the Doggystyle rapper said. “Cause you know like I know, ain’t no police like a gangbanger in the neighborhood that don’t gangbang no more. He mean more than the governor, he mean more than anybody!”
Check out the entire interview below.