The feud between and has lasted for years and, at times, it’s gotten pretty ugly. The two iconic rappers have taken their beef from wax to the courtroom with both them now being involved in the same lawsuit. 50 Cent has admitted that he is not fond the Miami staple in the least bit, telling an interviewer recently that . In regards to their legal spat, Fif has been . HotNewHipHop reached out to John T. Rose, Esq., the legal representative for Rick
Ross, for an exclusive update to get a better look into what exactly has been going on between both sides.
If you’ve been following this case, you’re likely aware that a against his former law firm related to the $7 million judgment awarded to Rick Ross in the lawsuit against his baby mother Lastonia Leviston. Many Fiddy’s claims against Reed Smith, the law firm in question, have been dismissed and one the major pieces that remain is whether the firm committed malpractice by failing to interview several key witnesses, including Rick Ross. Since the outcome the lawsuit forced Fiddy to file for bankruptcy a few years ago, it makes sense why he would be so adamant to get this sorted out but, according to Rick Ross and his legal counsel, the way he has been going about it is all wrong.

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“Our client Mr. Roberts has no problem appearing for a deposition, he just requires that Mr. Jackson follow the law,” says John T. Rose, Esq. in a statement to HotNewHipHop.
Rick Ross, born William Leonard Roberts II, has previously denied 50 Cent’s countless attempts to have him testify in relation to the case, informing the rapper that he does not have any information that would be pertinent to the legal outcome. Jackson is now attempting to get a Georgia court involved in the matter, filing papers to force Roberts to testify in the unrelated malpractice lawsuit. That motion is currently pending but it doesn’t look like Ross is too keen on getting involved.
We will be following this situation closely. Let us know your thoughts in the comments.