Brad Terrence Jordan, better known as the rapper , has ficially tested positive for the coronavirus. The news was revealed during a live stream between Face and his Geto Boys partner Willie D, who appeared visibly shaken by the unfortunate news. Scarface came through to provide an update about his experience dealing with the virus, claiming that his past three weeks have been an “ordeal,” an understatement to be sure. 

Scarface Tests Positive For Coronavirus

Bob Levey/Getty s 

“It’s the craziest shit I’ve ever done and seen in my life,” explains Scarface. “I’ve been to the point where I thought I was going to die, bro. I threw up so much until it was just hot sauce. Like your gas and acids don’t sit in your stomach. I didn’t have no food in my stomach, it was coming up like bile, bro. I couldn’t breathe well. I was Hazmat, homie.”

“I got to feeling really really really bad,” he continues. “It started f with pneumonia in both my lungs. Three-four days later my kidneys failed. Three or four days after that they told me I can’t move, I’m quarantined. I gotta wait until it subsides so I can wait and see what goes on with my kidneys now.”

Scarface also confirms that he’s been staying away from his family, with Willie joking that his house is big enough to make that an easy feat. Through the laughter comes a hard reality. “I’m saying Will, it’s a cold thing big homie,” says Face. “Let me save your life man. Don’t play no games man. I woke up Sunday morning, I had an itch in my throat. I called my doctor, he got me a z-pack and some Prednisone. Come Thursday, my fever kicks in like bam. One hundred one, one hundred two. Fever going up out the ro. Friday, Saturday, Sunday I go to the ER. I get in there, freezing to death. They stick these needles in my arm and start running me IVs.” 

Check out Scarface’s emotional talk with Willie D below, and send the legendary rapper your thoughts, prayers, and positive vibes.